Becoming a supporter

Support BANNER

Thank you for your interest in the Culture 2030 Goal Campaign!

We welcome as supporters institutions and individuals who are able to sign on to the broad goals of the campaign, and, within your capacity, contribute to advocacy efforts in favour of Campaign Goals at the local, national, regional or global level.

In signing onto the goals of the campaign, you are also endorsing its values, as set out in our vision document, as well as the #Culture2015Goal Manifesto of 2014, and the Culture COVID-19 Statement of 2020.

We look forward to sharing updates on the work of the campaign and highlighting opportunities for you to provide support. We encourage you already to look at our calendar in order to find out about key dates and events.

If you are happy to take on the role of supporter, and can commit to the broad goals and values of the campaign, please fill the template below.