Our Strategy

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The vision

In April 2020 the campaign initiated the development of a strategic framework within the context of the UN Decade of Action. In this, we define:

  • Our Vision: The recognition of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development;
  • Our Mission: To mainstream culture across the global development agenda;
  • Our Values/Beliefs: are rooted in the #culture2015goal Manifesto of 2014 and the #CultureCOVID19 Statement of 2020;
  • Our Goals include:
    • A stronger place for culture throughout the implementation of the current global development agenda (the UN 2030 Agenda),
    • The adoption of culture as a distinct goal in the post-2030 development agenda,
    • The adoption of a global agenda for culture.
How to engage

These are some core ideas on what you can do:

  1. Reading and using the materials we have created
  2. Talking about the role of culture in development in your networks
  3. Joining social media campaigns when these happen
  4. Joining events when these happen
  5. Sharing stories of the contribution of culture to development using the #Culture2030Goal hashtag