The Culture2030Goal Campaign brings together representative global and regional arts, culture and heritage networks, united in the understanding that there needs to be a greater focus on culture in development agendas in order to realise its potential to drive positive change. We believe that collectively, arts, culture and heritage sector practitioners, institutions and policy-makers not only help guarantee fundamental cultural rights, but can play a determining role in achieving development goals.
We have strongly welcomed the recognition in many of the Voluntary National Reviews submitted in 2024 on SDG implementation that for development to be sustainable and effective, it needs to be culturally informed, culturally relevant, and culturally powered. For this to happen, culture needs to be seen as a distinctive goal and area of action.
This side-event of the Summit of the Future gives voice to key actors committed to deliver specific actions on the place of culture in delivering the Pact for the Future.
The agenda of the session is available below:

Watch the session here: